For appraisals of residntial properties in Columbia contact All Appraisal Services at 931-208-3131

Why choose a company like All Appraisal Services that embraces mobile technology?

Need a quick appraisal in or around Maury County that is reliable? We work hard to provide fast and efficient services for our clients, and as part of that commitment we've embraced mobile technology. By using mobile devices out in the field, we've eliminated the cumbersome paper and clipboard, meaning quicker and more accurate appraisals for you.

Most appraisers in Maury County are still behind the times, writing data on a clipboard with pen and paper. This can be a hindrance, because of the time exhausted by the appraisers re-writing the report back at the office. Appraisers who are not up-to-date, are losing time getting their appraisals to you.

Since all of our data is entered on an easy-to-use mobile device, we simply sync it to the cloud and pull down the information into the computers back at the office. This is a seamless process, giving us more time to focus on analysis and less on data entry. Ultimately it cuts down on the time it takes to get the final report to you.

Call us today at 931-208-3131, for a quick and accurate appraisal.

Through the syncing process, we're able to seamlessly access data from our devices in the field. New information can then be entered, making the information on the form up-to-date. With the use of laser measurers, we are able to gather accurate measurements with our devices.

As a perk, we're always ready to answer questions when you call or e-mail us. Mobile appraising makes us much more efficient, giving us with the files and information we need at all times so we can concentrate on appraising.